Slovenský čuvač
Orlický talisman
Slovenský čuvač
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The Tatra Chuvach's breed characteristics conform in type with those of a mountain dog of firm constitution, impressive appearance and thick white coat. He has strong bone, a lively temperament and is vigilant, fearless and alert. For centuries he has been accustomed to the harsh climate of the Slovakian mountains, especially the Tatra mountains. His format is well within the shape of a moderate rectangle, the body resting on strong rather high limbs. His vigilance and alertness helped to give him his name, as the Slovak word "Cuvat51 means to hear.

He is boundlessly faithful and courageous, always ready to fight off any intruder, be it even bears and wolves. In order to distinguish him from wild beasts in the night, he is, according to ancient tradition, only bred in white.


Skull Strong, longish in shape, broad between the ears. The broad forehead has a shallow furrow tapering away towards the rear. Superciliary ridges are in proportion and slanted sideways. Top of head flat. Neck clearly defined from strong, moderately protruding nape of neck. Top of head, in profile, slightly domed compared to bridge of nose.

Nose Black, especially in summer.
Muzzle Straight in profile and about half length of head, fairly broad, tapering towards the front. Strong, of medium length, blunt.
Lips : Close fitting, corner of mouth closed. Mucous membranes black, forming a narrow, not overhanging frame to the mouth Medium thickness. Palate black.
Jaws: Strong, always with complete scissor bite.
Eyes: Dark brown, oval shape, set in horizontally. Eyelids black, close fitting. Membrane in the inside corner of the eye dark, making the eye expressive.
Ears Set on high, mobile at set on. Of moderate length, hanging, lying close to head. Half way down, the ear has finer hair. When in repose, the rounded lower edge reaches to mouth level.
Neck: Set on straight. Carried high when alert. In male dogs very powerful with good mane. No dewlap.

Back Straight. Of medium length and strong.
Loin : Moderately arched. Well attached to the sacrum, muscular, very strong and adequately long.
Rump : Strong, broad and slightly sloping.
Chest Broad. Sternum bone reaching up to the height of shoulder joints.
Ribcage Well sprung ribs. Sternum above half height at withers and reaching lower than elbows. The length of the ribcage exceeds half the body length; its breadth is a quarter of the height at withers. Ribs Arched, inclined towards rear and forming a clear transition to the flanks.
Belly: Belly and flanks appropriate, moderate tuck up.


Set on low. Standing and in repose hanging low, reaching to hock joints. Shape straight like a cigar, not curled at tip. When moving carried curled over loin.

Forelegs Position straight, pillar-like, with good angulation of upper arm and elbow. Feet strong, round, tight. Legs generally rather long, specially in males.
Shoulder Well laid back and long. Upper arm muscular and firmly attached to the body, inclined towards elbow. Forearm Vertical, strong, muscular and long.
Pastern joint : Bony and strong.
Pastern Short, strong and moderately inclined.
Front feet : Strong toes and nails, firmly arched and round in shape. Well coated, with fleshy black pads.

Buttocks, together with upper thighs, form a muscular whole, longish in shape and of considerable breadth.
Stifle Well muscled and well angulated. Second Thigh Sloping, strong, well muscled.
Hockjoint : Strong, with blunt angle; rather low set but well defined and large.
Hock Short and strong. Position vertical. There is no restriction at transition to hock. Dewclaws undesired.
Hind feet Are slightly longer than front feet, otherwise same shape. Toes somewhat stronger and more arched.

Surprisingly light footed in spite of his powerful build, agile and quick, in every terrain and in all weathers; with preference for trot.

Loose on body, otherwise close fitting. Skin pink; black pigmentation only round the eyes, the neck and muzzle where it merges with the black mucous membranes. Pads also black.

HAIR With the exception on head and limbs, the hair form a dense coat without a parting on the back and without feathering on tail and buttocks. Males have a striking mane. Hair is short and close on head and legs, slightly longer on rearside of legs. Short hair gradually merges from set-on of ears into the mane. Undercoat is completely covered by long hair in top coat. The latter is 5 to 15 cm. Most wavy on mane, elsewhere moderately wavy, forming numerous waves across the back which merge into each other. Single waves, not joined, are undesired. Required is a light dense coat.
Undercoat hair fine and dense, in length up to half or two thirds of hair of top coat. The undercoat is shed during the summer, so the coat loses its density, but remains light throughout the year on account of the wavy topcoat which forms no parting on the back.

White. Yellowish shading at set on of ears permitted but not desired. Distinct yellow patches are not permitted.

Dogs 62 to 70 cm. Bitches 59 to 65 cm at withers.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Pincer bite, missing teeth, pendulous lips, unsummetric position of the ears, flat not suffiently deep chest, tail laterally cleviated, dewclaws, close fitting frigy coat, aloe completely wavy coat, lock of coat on belly, flanks and genitals, resulls of tickets or distemper, excessively nervous, unbalanced character.

Pink spots on nose leather, lips or eyelids, light eyes, yellow patches in coat. The male animals should have two apparently normal testickes fully descended into the scrotum.

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